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As part of this pilot program, an evaluation will be conducted to determine the effectiveness of the Tactical Guide in increasing physical activity. The evaluation supports the Purpose and Goals of the project. Specifically, the goals of the evaluation are to:

  1. assess the relevance, usability, and efficacy of the different activities inspired by the Tactical Guide;
  2. evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge dissemination and promotion strategies to increase awareness and utilization of the Tactical Guide among users (Neighbours);
  3. identify what supports users (Neighbours) need to implement the activities from the Tactical Guide; and
  4. understand the needs, challenges, and preferences of community leaders to enhance their effectiveness in assisting users (Neighbours).

Ultimately, we aim to consider how neighbourhood organizers and activity participants can be empowered to envision their communities as dynamic spaces that promote and encourage physical activity to enable them to uncover the full potential of their neighbourhoods for movement and wellbeing.

The actual evaluation will involve four data collection approaches.

Approach #1:  Post-activity reports will be submitted by community leaders or activity organizers after Tactical Guide activities are delivered. The reports will collect information pertaining to the location, activity, number of people who participated, purpose of the activity and brief details about the activity. These reports will help the research team catalogue the activities implemented, determine whether the activities carried out align with the guide categories, and provide insight into whether the program participants’ view of the program aligns with the intent of the program delivery.

Approach #2:  Online surveys will be conducted with activity participants to evaluate the outcomes associated with activity participation. The survey will consist of 4 sections:

  1. demographics (gender, race, household income, age);
  2. details about the activity;
  3. motivation to participate in the activity; and
  4. outcomes of participation.

Survey information collected will assist in understanding the benefits and changes that result from participation in Tactical Guide activities.

Approach #3:  In-person focus groups will be conducted with activity organizers and participants. Focus group will include four parts:

  1. participants will be asked about their motivations and overall experience with the program;
  2. participants will be asked to assess the activities that were implemented;
  3. participants will be asked to provide feedback on the promotion of the program; and
  4. participants will be asked about to provide feedback on the resources available (Tactical Guide) and their perception of the guide.

These focus groups will help gain an understanding of the participants’ knowledge of, experience with, and feedback on the Tactical Guide.

Apporach #4:  Focus groups will be conducted with community leaders. They will be aimed at gaining an understanding of the needs and challenges of community leaders, the delivery of the program(s) and securing feedback about the Tactical Guide. These focus groups will allow for a greater understanding of practitioner’s perception of the Tactical Guide to make improvements for future use.